#4305 Beaney Prisby

Beaney Prisby is a 41-year-old showperson who enjoys ba. She was born on November 15th. Physically, Beaney is in horrible shape. She divorced Aloria Ilardi. Aloria works as a sound artist. Beaney has a best friend who is a tennis coach called Rayonah Pahlow.

Relationships (2)

Relationship withAloria Ilardi
Best friends withRayonah Pahlow

Attributes (12)

TypeHuman5400 Pixltonians have this.
GenderFemale2697 Pixltonians have this.
Skin ToneVanilla1065 Pixltonians have this.
MouthBig Smile1081 Pixltonians have this.
HairstyleBig Ponytail19 Pixltonians have this.
EarringLong Gold119 Pixltonians have this.
GlassesGLF116 Pixltonians have this.
ShoesBlack Shoes1286 Pixltonians have this.
Female OutfitBasic Orange Dress111 Pixltonians have this.
Eye TypeClose1697 Pixltonians have this.
Eye ColorBrown-eyed2488 Pixltonians have this.
BirthdayNovember 15th15 Pixltonians have this.

Ownership Record (0)


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