#2844 Ched Nungaray

Ched Nungaray is a 49-year-old research scientist who enjoys working on cars. He was born on January 28th. Physically, Ched is in pretty good shape. He is currently single. Ched has a best friend who is a former massage specialist called Jaymarion Ciociola.
Relationships (1)

Best friends withJaymarion Ciociola
Attributes (14)
TypeHuman5400 Pixltonians have this.
GenderMale2761 Pixltonians have this.
Skin ToneGolden1099 Pixltonians have this.
MouthBig Smile1081 Pixltonians have this.
HairstyleCrew Cut260 Pixltonians have this.
HaircolorBlack1810 Pixltonians have this.
Facial HairGoatee145 Pixltonians have this.
SmokingCigarette553 Pixltonians have this.
ShirtBlack T Print127 Pixltonians have this.
PantsBasic Cargo188 Pixltonians have this.
ShoesWhite Shoes1257 Pixltonians have this.
Eye TypeNormal3163 Pixltonians have this.
Eye ColorBrown-eyed2488 Pixltonians have this.
BirthdayJanuary 28th17 Pixltonians have this.
Ownership Record (0)
Event | From | To | Date |
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