#2331 Zohair Buch

Zohair Buch is a 51-year-old machine setter who enjoys ringette. He was born on May 6th. Physically, Zohair is in horrible shape. He has a severe phobia of rivers and running water. He is allergic to red candles. He is currently single. Zohair has a best friend who is a motor engineer called Vennie Gitlitz.
Relationships (1)

Best friends withVennie Gitlitz
Attributes (12)
TypeHuman5400 Pixltonians have this.
GenderMale2761 Pixltonians have this.
Skin ToneAlmond1095 Pixltonians have this.
MouthBig Smile1081 Pixltonians have this.
HairstyleReceding56 Pixltonians have this.
HaircolorBlond1328 Pixltonians have this.
ShirtiHeart39 Pixltonians have this.
PantsClownesque39 Pixltonians have this.
ShoesBoots125 Pixltonians have this.
Eye TypeNormal3163 Pixltonians have this.
Eye ColorGreen-eyed714 Pixltonians have this.
BirthdayMay 6th9 Pixltonians have this.
Ownership Record (0)
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